I just found out that the hollow fueslage's mass is the same as the fuselage body part.
(Obviously) Shouldn't the hollow be lighter?
And also if we increase the thickness, there should be enough space for fuel and dead weight and buoyancy.
We also need concave shapes for hollow fueslages to save parts from paneling!!!!!
@TheReturningHound so things can fall through it
Or use masscale
@brians1209 well, think of it in the inverse of how I explained it to you: a fuse section, when hollow or empty, will weigh roughly the same whether it’s open (see through) or capped on the ends. When you add dead weight (components or systems) or fuel, that section will weigh more, but it will no longer be see through. If you build as I like to, with an adherence to the RL aircraft weights and fuel amounts, using the stock parts and their stock weights, the builds turn out to be fairly close to the RL weights. Details throw off the numbers, but only a little. Hollow—or empty—fuselage sections weigh almost exactly what they should weigh if constructed conventionally in real life. I would not be in favor of modifying any of the fuselage weights because they just work, whether I’d left hollow or filled with fuel or ballast (though I’d tweak the fuel volume, which I’m convinced is just slightly off).
@Noname918181 Ah, I see. That makes more sense.
Normal fuselage is hollow. You just can't see it
@TheReturningHound hollow fuselages share the same hitbox as a normal fuselage. He's suggesting that the hollow fuselage should have a hollow hitbox
@ChiChiWerx If it was just for a "see through", why can't it have fuel or dead weight
No, not really. The reason why the Devs created the hollow fuse was to allow players to “see through” continuous sections of fuselages, this making it easier to get a nice view of an entire cabin or the compressor face down a long intake. The original fuse didn’t have this capability, but was modeled after RL fuselages, which are hollow and the weight of the legacy fuselage is about the same as a RL hollow fuselage section would be. Lightening the new hollow fuse would make it too light to be realistic. Besides, if you want to lighten any part, you can always just edit it’s mass scale using the Overload feature now incorporated into the basic game.
@MemeLord21 Your statement doesn't really make sense. Care to elaborate?
Hollow fuselages should actually have the option to be hollow...
This isn’t too much of an issue xml exists. But it is a bit weird.
@jamesPLANESii Oh. But do you think there'll be a half hollow fueslage block coming?
And do you want it in the game?
I think it will be the most 'part saving' feature for designs that require paneling
It’s a bit late for that now, unless they add legacy mass scale or something