Every hour i see a goodbye post can we just all agree that all of those post must end here
With just a snap of a fingers RN
Tbh, the Goodbye Posts are getting Spammy Lol
15.7k BuiltBionixInd10
4.6 years ago
Every hour i see a goodbye post can we just all agree that all of those post must end here
With just a snap of a fingers RN
Good Day/Night
The photo in the post that I made dates back in 2019-10-06-20-00-31 I posted it since it would be humorous because of how the posts are aranged.
@jamesPLANESii :/
Because I don’t care about it :p @BuiltBionixInd10
@jamesPLANESii Y u ignore forum body post
Why did you tag me
@JamesPLANESii @Scratch