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How do i make a rotator go back and forth?

2,337 TheHandBurgler  4.7 years ago

Im trying to make a spider-mech-thing and all i need is the funkytrees logic to make it work. Pls dont be the kind of person who goes "how bout' you learn funkytrees??" Because i really hate that kind of person. Anyways, thanks in advance!

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    20.3k Axartar

    as @Ultra0 to make simple legs that is one of the commands needed.
    | for the hip joint use ultras code
    | for the knee joint use the same code but instead of sin use cos
    _ for the ankle joint use the same code and the hip joint.
    also make sure to use powerful gyroscopes.
    if you want a spider like leg movement, get an set of images (or a slow video) of a spider walking, then find a combination of funky trees + mathematics to describe the motion. walkers are, very difficult to make

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    +5 4.7 years ago