scenario: I am using the xml command LandingGear=0 & IAS>89
which works, but i want to know how to make it lock in position when one of these factors goes away. any funky trees experts have any clues?
forget the bit that says 'amp;'
scenario: I am using the xml command LandingGear=0 & IAS>89
which works, but i want to know how to make it lock in position when one of these factors goes away. any funky trees experts have any clues?
forget the bit that says 'amp;'
@ZWLenning Sorry for necroposting. This is post appear on top on my search. In case i encounter same problem in the future and forgot the solution, much likely i'll find this post again. So it's more for myself but thanks for posting this easy to search question anyway
@Bogey i admire you for finding this, however this is a 2.5 year old post and I have the solution now lmao
thanks for the help though, much appreciated :)
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