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Anyone with experience with unity mapmod making: How do you go about making maps with satellite imagery

3,555 ErengBusLiniya  4.7 years ago

Backstory: Me and my friend's project has been pushed back a few weeks because of both of our incompetence with unity terrainng, lack of funding, and her delinquent actions that led him to probation so I'm alone as of now.

Our mod, my idea, would be supposedly our first time dabbling with satellite imagery maps and real world heightmaps but seriously, we could not find any source for HD satellite images, now we have found a heightmap downloader but we- I, really would appreciate if anyone could help us with satellite imagery.

Thank you

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    Hello! As one of the only people who does satellite (GIS) terrain for the game, please contact me on Discord for more information 232287168147825#6844. Assuming you can handle it, I've gone up to 24k textures for a GIS map.

    4.7 years ago