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Im so tired

5,465 Grandma  4.7 years ago

Why do people love being well, how do i put this is a friendly way... Im really tired of people just crashing the server and blowing people up just because they want to. Why. Just why. You have an opporunity to make friends and stuff and all you do is just throw that in the trash and just make people hate you. I really dont understand why people like trolling so much in MP

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    @ThatsAHotTopic but i want to give the dakka

    4.7 years ago
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    5,465 Grandma

    @Thenewdownloader i already have a pretty effective one, but just ignoring them is best

    4.7 years ago
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    If you need, i can turn an @starlight gundam into an absolute, nigh invincible, weapon. Everything capable of taking a cannon, instakill guns, super fast rockets, and in any flavor you like. pick it, tell me, give what you need, and you will get it

    4.7 years ago
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    5,465 Grandma

    would be better if there was a little pvp switch, pvp off would make you un-killable by weapons and pvp on would do the other @jamesPLANESii

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    It would be nice if bombs, missiles and cannons and stuff were all set to non-collision in MP

    4.7 years ago