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Differences of walkers and mechs

8,211 consumeroftoasters  4.7 years ago

I’ve noticed that the mech and walker tags often have the exact same type of builds so i want to know what people’s idea of each is.

Here’s my definitions of each:

Walker: Vehicle with 2 or more legs that is controlled by a driver or automated. It is not in the form of a human. Example
Mech: Bipedal humanoid vehicle which can include stuff such as this which directly resembles a person

I think people should use either mech or walker, not both because they are completely different, it’s like calling trucks and trains the same thing. Maybe they aren’t specific enough, they are kind of useless when used for the same thing.

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    The description of the walker tag on this site is written as [For all vehicles that walk, from mechanical spiders to giant humanoid mechs.]
    Why do you try to exclude the human form even though it is written like this?

    I thought it was a little strange.
    (I already know that the type of vehicle in the movie "Star Wars" is divided into walkers.
    But I think that the walker on the site here is just a way of Thrust)

    4.7 years ago
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    2,553 truckerSAM

    walkers are fleshy
    mechs go *ding
    just my opinion tho

    4.7 years ago
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    23.4k Axartar

    I just use the words interchangeably, because on the whole, i'm not really sure if they are or aren't humanoid. e.g. wings / cricket legs

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    I agree i treat them as individuals

    4.7 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    I agree

    4.7 years ago
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    @asteroidbook345 I would still consider an AT-ST a walker. The main defining feature of a mech for me is the idea it is based on a human’s form so things like transformers and the pacific rim things

    4.7 years ago