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name change

9,177 ZWLenning  4.7 years ago

sooo who am I? i used to be know as Zoowarp, and I have decided, given the opportunity that has presented itself, to change my name, partly because I dont feel like it will upset too many people, and partly because of a reason on the back of my mind for quite some time, which I will explain below. This reason was making me consider contacting someone about changing my name long before the option was available to do it for myself. Now, just because I'm kinda bored, I'm going to explain the reason behind my name and the reason I decided to change it.

so, about 7-8 years ago now, I got minecraft on a tablet for the first time. so a username I indeed created - which was Zoowarp. My younger self chose it because, for whatever reason, that it sounded cool, and it kinda stuck, forming the account name I gave to myself for the next 6-7 years (including my youtube channel which I have since closed down. this is relevant). why not all the way through the 8th? well.

about a year ago, I realised while searching my youtube channel (as you do), that my name, if mistyped, can take you to videos relating to drug use (which to be fair, from the thumbnails, looked pretty grim - I will never do drugs outside of prescribed medicine or painkillers). more digging revealed that my username itself might have had some reference to drug use. I am still not entirely sure, and to be honest I'm glad I spotted it. This was all well and good, and I changed usernames for just about everything, and ended up deleting my youtube channel. the only one I didn't change was my simpleplanes username, partly because this series of events took place after I had to stop simpleplanes for a year (thats another story completely).

Now, fast forward 7 or so months and I return. The minute I got back, I spot ted my username. swears to himself quietly. so I went to change it... and I can't. swears a LOT louder. so at this point I have 2 options: either contact someone, or sit quiet and hope no one spots it. I opted for the second, because me and anxiousness have a special relationship (just to clarify, I dont mean anxiety, just I hate getting embarrassed when I email people, for example, which admittedly scares me). However, a month, then two quickly passed and I was literally on the verge of finding someone to request a name change, and then update released. I changed my name within 15 minutes of the official announcement xD

anyway I would just like to clarify that I am still me, even though I have a new name. my builds will still go ahead as planned, I will still post, I will still be active (not that anyone particularly cares), and I have, for your benefit, left ZW at the beginning to jog your memory if any of you forget. interpret it how you will, I am personally NOT choosing to interpret it as Zoowarp Lenning, though I will not hold it against you if you do. ight thats all from me i think

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    19.2k klm747klm747

    @ZWLenning But did you have to get rid of the Saturn picture

    4.7 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    @BologneseEX I'm trying to understand what you mean.
    If you mean I'm not popular enough to make this comment, I would simply refer you to my reply to ChrisPy.
    If you mean I'm bad or whatever else, why would you take the time to make a comment that was deliberately designed to be insulting?

    4.7 years ago
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    3,871 Anastvats

    literally who r u lmaoooooo

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    2,654 switdog08

    Is all good man
    Valid reasoning

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    @ChrisPy I feel like I made that quite clear. I even stated that one of my reasons for doing so was that people really wouldn't care. I made this post to link to my profile in case some of my friends on this site don't know where I've gone. besides, this sort of doubles up as a confession that really wasn't neccesary

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Dude I got to be honest most people don’t care if you change your name if you are below gold...

    +2 4.7 years ago