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The war of Bandit Airport

771 RogueFighter  4.6 years ago

A long time ago Bandit Airport and Wright Airport lived in piece. Until Bandit Attacked. The initial attack was held in the air against the USS Beast. bandit sent in 49 C-38 BushLifters equipped with 1 boom 25 each. They did not attack the airport but the USS Beast and the destroyers, because bandit did not have a navy. 6 bombs hit the USS Beast and 2 bombs hit the destroyer on the left and 3 bombs hit the right one. The 2 destroyers were sunk and the USS Beast was heavily damaged. Leaving Wright Airport with just the USS Tiny. 13 C-38’s were shot down. And 4 ran out of fuel. Bandit had only prop plane that were not even meant for combat. The had 350 bandit had no actual air force just civilians. Wright had a hand full of fighter jets and civilian airplanes. More will be added when I think of more to add