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Is There The Best Ship For Everything?

28.7k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.6 years ago

Hello people of our beloved Simpleplanes community

Have you wondered, is there the best ship? Is there even such thing?

Well ignoring the fact of SP overkill WW2 fleet efficiency i would say there is no best ship, its like asking "is there the best tool?" Well there is no best tool, various tools were there because you can't expect a hammer to fasten a nut bolt, there is no such thing, going back to the question, is there the best ship? No, the closest you can get to the best ship is Jack Of All Trade, it can deal with all threat but not very well, Master Of None

Say you have a Large Cruiser of lets say 25.000T displacement, what are the best arnament you could fit to this ship? Normally for a cruiser you would go for 8 to 9 inch guns, maybe 11 or 12 inch if you're lucky, and yes its very good at sinking a CL, yes its good at sinking a DD, but it cannot deal with the heavier ships such as a CC and BB

How about a Battleship then? Usually it was built with big guns, for a reason, its main enemy were its own kind, another Battleship, say you are fighting a BB, what would you expect coming with the BB? Lets say one or some escort consisted mainly of cruisers and destroyers, you gun the Battleship down but after it sinks then what? You have this big pretty useless guns because it just doesn't have the accuracy, well yes it can still sinks the CA but after that its kinda pointless

What about Destroyer? Its very good at dealing other Destroyer but then again it cannot deal with the bigger ships, atleast gun wise, DD is a small but deadly ships because its torpedoes, it can deal with BB, BC and if you're lucky a CA, but then come one problem, CL is the main enemy for DD, it will pursue your DD, CL usually have Sonar or other form of underwater detection, some of this system can detect torpedoes, if it has a really good Sonar it can just detect the torpedoes from like 5-7km away, move a bit and then back on pursuing you, except of course the AI like i have seen in games like Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought where they i don't know coincidentally or intentionally turn in to get between a spread of torpedoes and then turning the other way just as the torpedoes get close and sink them because of their own dumbness, AI these days..., atrocious...

So again, is there the best ships? I would say no as nearly all shipis made to its purpose, it was made to deal with a specific threat, but i guess i can try to make a Jack Of All Trades on one of my incoming or rather..., almost never coming Battleship of mine

Note: you may be confused seeing CC in my forum nowadays, CC is short for Battlecruiser according to the US, so i use CC, BC is actually not the common word to describe Battlecruiser despite rhymes with the B and C

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    I think a CV could be the best (if it was fitted with underwater detection methods and with dedicated patrol aircraft) could launch attacks on any ship before they can be in any sort of range.

    4.2 years ago
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    @NavalBlaze "fireworks" XD

    4.6 years ago
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    @NavalBlaze yeah, Battlecruiser, tendency to flash fire, ammo detonation, and heavily damaged, that is also the weakness of CC

    4.6 years ago
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    @NavalBlaze @WarshipDude

    4.6 years ago
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    @ArcturusAerospace @NavalBlaze usually for modern ships there is DDG CCG and any other, the G stands for Guided, which refers to its arnament, i don't really know a lot about modern ships as im not a fan of modern technology as for now, imagine how easy it is to target an enemy or being targeted by enemy in SP or IRL, there was like almost no fun, no thrill, while shooting with guns despite harder is more fun and thrilling as nearly no bullet is guided

    4.6 years ago
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    BB? CA?

    4.6 years ago