(From @ jamesPLANESii's post)
/Designer(Clone)/CameraTarget/Camera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 30
I used this but a error keeps popping out
ArgumenttNullExecption:Value cannot be null
(From @ jamesPLANESii's post)
/Designer(Clone)/CameraTarget/Camera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 30
I used this but a error keeps popping out
ArgumenttNullExecption:Value cannot be null
The code I use that I got from WNP78 is
>>CameraManagerScript..SetCameraFov 30
@brians1209 im only using edited FoV before taking screenshots for submission only done it with my hammers buggy..after that i forget about it hehe
@An2k yes... Do I have I to do it everytime when I restart the game?
@brians1209 havent tried that though
idk why just pasting it wont work ..on FoV manually inputing it is annoying
@An2k Thanks! It worked well. btw while I was typing it I found
. Does this mean android can use anti ailising?Did you just copy and paste it? In my end.. have to manually input all of those those on android to work ...btw do tell if it worked for you so i can revise my notes
From my notes
then ok and chooseDesigner(Clone)
then okchoose cameratarget
then okchoose camera
then okchoose camera
then ok(doing
give 2 options rather than just typing.set
which gives a long list)find & choose
and spacetype 20 then ok (20 to 40 looks good) (default is 60)