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What is my tactic of choice in my navy?

28.9k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.7 years ago

I do what the HMTS Olympic "Old Reliable" do

So yes hello, its 5:15am in the morning, and i haven't sleeped since the last time im here which like 11pm...

So regarding my Fleet Tactics..., even if there is such thing anymore in my navy, i usually do what the Olympic do, if you didn't know already Olympic was the first Olympic Class in her line hznce the name, her sister which of course the Titanic and Britannic is sunk, Titanic hit a random ice to simplify it and the Britannic hit a random mine, so she was the only one to survive in her class, she was nicknamed "Old Reliable" by the passenger or rather troops she's carrying

So how did the Olympic do in WW1? Very well, you see the captain of this ship were... Quite a brave huy i should say, he will refuse any offer from the navy regarding her vulnerability to escort her, hell the Olympic sails alone with little to no occured, except of course she rammed or rather slice a U-Boat off the coast of..., i think its Halifax..., she sailed alone because the captain believed that she is safer sailing alone not getting bogged down with a fleet that basically goes 15kn, well done you game (im looking at you both SP and Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought) and it did what the captain think would do, it succeded sailing at full speed light off, even cigarrettes is not allowed above deck as it is believed that the faint glowing embers of the cigar will be spotted as well even though im still doubting on how well made are submarine telescope in WW1...

So my ship also do the same, except my ship cruising at 30-40kn, and that's cruising, imagine a ship as big as the Preußen Class BB of mine goes 36 freakin knots, and hell sure it does 36kn, yet it still packs 16x 18-Inch Guns, my slowest BB which are rated at 30kn is already enough for me, your car is as fast as this BB on the slow lane, around 64km/h on my fastest BB, my ship were gonna be sailing at cruise speed, a little bit of zigzagging every 30 seconds, and with the low visibility paintjob on my ship well sure does to any foes trying to locate my ship, i say good luck, sailing in nighttime is not bad after all especially with a well funded ship to fit the best radar, sonar and everything, its good at doing stuff it intended to do, now yes sure i can of course "inject" more oil into the boiler like the Carpathia did but for what? I didn't need it, i didn't need that speed as long as i don't detect subs from 7.5km away

So if you ever try to target my ship..., think twice damn it because i got all things figured out all under my cover of tablecloth, i got a very good torpedo blister (despite there is none on my actual ships that i uploaded), i got lots and lots of speed, partly due to excess power..., good sonar, pretty much the "best ship" for its intended job