Title might be confusing, but I’m trying to make a turret that can be rotated using the yaw feature of the Gyroscope. The problem with this is that I need to counteract the force to make the turret stop spinning. Is there a way to make sure that it stops spinning the moment I let go of the yaw?
I’ve tried using gears, but they’re frictionless and don’t do much aside from slow down the turn speed.
@Mysweetbologna try putting "sum(Yaw)" into the input with overload, capitalization matters
I did that, and the input doesn’t work. Also, for context, the type of turret I’m making is for a tank, so I’m looking for ways to make it go full 360° turns continuously. Hence why I tried using gyros and freespin rotators. @Destroyerz117
if you want a turret that can be turned with yaw and hold it's position use overload to set the rotators input to
Alright, thanks! @BeryllCorp
I honestly dont know.. try doing a few things like setting more stability or gyro speed.. play with yaw power too.. and lastly add more gyros and see if that solves your issue
@BeryllCorp wow, that does have an effect, but there’s still a slight amount of momentum when I let go. How do I deal with that?
Turn the gyroscope sideways