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28.7k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.6 years ago

Its midnight, period, i haven't sleep, and yes i do get the occasional black out or perhaps tunnel vision rather, dizziness and deprivation, 4 hours and feel refreshed, that's how i live now...

When i go to open SP this night, it shows a message, a message that never seems to get gone from my phone, it shows everywhere, Insufficient Memory, despite still having spaces around 200-500mb on both memory in this phone, both sd and internal still have rooms, but it just doesn't, sadly there is no option to move my game file to SD card with a press of a button like many phone did, so i have to manually do this and usually games didn't work anymore before i re-move the file again to the original file, and this sucks, i have this free room used for nothing other than my youtube download...

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    @ArcturusAerospace Very sucks especially when you got a waiting big project, plus i just found out that airing a new forum in SCP Wikidot is highly complex, unlike our system

    4.6 years ago
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    That must suck...

    4.6 years ago