I have been awoken from my slumber by the noise of petty nonsense. I am cranky and my hammer arm is twitchy.
If you have a problem with something that has taken place on a forum other than this one then it is your obligation to seek assistance from the moderators/team who operate that forum. Do not bring it here.
If you see something questionable on this website then feel free to use the report function. Using the report function for anything other than reporting inappropriate content will be considered abuse of said feature and will be dealt with accordingly.
We're all here to make cool stuff and have fun, and a number of you are going out of your way to make sure that the fun part doesn't happen, and it is unacceptable. Keep the drama where it belongs, and if you haven't understood the message of this post... it doesn't belong here.
Play fair, play nice, or go play somewhere else. This applies to every user on this site regardless of join date or point total.
Now if you wake me up again... I'm going to be angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
@LunarEclipseSP So sad how old moderators get put down
@TheLatentImage yes mate. It's so sad to see some OG moderators are no longer had their title anymore, possibly decommissioned or retired
@LunarEclipseSP I seem to have dropped my moderator privileges around here somewhere. While I look for them, you should take up any issues with the current moderator and development team.
Bloke I remember you as a moderator before. SimplePlanes Website is currently on an Anarchic state where there is one radical fortnite kid who came and causing chaos and terror on this site, harassing developer, moderator and senior users, throwing F-bombs and hard-R to literally everything. Eventually he get IP banned but he got a VPN network with him so that he could be able to evading band and Always Come Back like William Afton type sheesh or something like that.
“The kraken post of the legendary mod.”
@DatTrainGuy19 exactly, this was what I was like when I saw this.
@PZLAgencies what the fu-
This post is a total WTF
@JakeS he did hurt and insult me. He is the kraken...
@TTL lol
This post literally INSULTED me. When I saw this post 4 months ago, I was so 🤬 that I smashed my phone and broke the screen protector. @TheLatentImage, …. Please… I never told you and you can make these posts but please, some of these words insulted me. Don’t use those. Now PLEASE delete this post as it's really annoying.
@PZLAerospacesAgency ach-oot
I almost broke my phone because of this post. The screen protector is shattered.
This made me say bad word. (in my mind)
I will get an alarm clock.
@TheLatentImage Great reminder & warning after the site was becoming a breeding ground for the drama.
oops, I forgot to give a comment
well, Hallelujah!
Hello there, @Oski.
Not at all, @Awsomur.
Now this post remind me somehow to what my master said "fun is no1, throw to trash can the rest "
@Wi1dSk7 To read without commenting or contributing, to stop yourself from making an ass out of yourself by saying dumb stuff that would've been obvious had you paid attention in the first place.
What is lurk? @exosuit like a fish? and @SnoWFLakE0s you have a point. I will ammend my remark.
@AWESOMENESS360 you bet!
Hello SPesus
@Wi1dSk7 lurk more