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Submarine Challenge Winners and Entries.

71.3k MintLynx  4.2 years ago


1st Place

-)The Submarine Battleship Bakunawa

Visuals: 5/5
- The design goes for a menacing looking geometric shape reminiscent of a shark. This design makes it look imposing yet sleek with some nice little details such as the numbering on the deck and the toothed shark mouth that opens when using torpedoes. Cherry on top is most fittingly the red ball, whose deployment has a spectacular presentation.

Build: 4.9/5
- The parts are fitted well together without any major seams or openings. The only real nitpick is that the mouth could have probably used a part or two to fill in the gap formed where it hinges on opening.

Features: 5/5
- Quite plentiful in features with its wide arsenal of weaponry. They consist mostly of different guns and missiles, but also come with impressive custom homing torpedoes which use modified missiles. The EMP weapon looks cool, and so long as directions are followed it proves quite devastation.

Function: 4.9/5
The piston diving is intuitive though simple, switching surfaced to submerged at the press of LandingGear. The turning causes a slight janky wobble, which is really the only issue in this section. The weapons themselves function well, and the missiles work as they should and allow underwater launch.

Total: 19.8/20
Overall an imposing and well armed vessel that a supervillain would kill to own. A huge amount of fun in one vessel, capable of devastating the sky park fleet in quite the fun fashion. An inspired design and plentiful features brought this firmly and easily to the top.

2nd Place

-)N-6 Class Missile Submarine

Visuals: 5/5
A very unique design that looks something like you’d see in the Command and Conquer games. Overall going for a more smooth design, with plentiful details to break up those smooth sections.

Build: 4.9/5
The Torpedo Launching section sticks out like a sore thumb, its more square shape looking out of place on an otherwise very smooth build. Barring that, everything else is implemented quite cleanly. The spinning magnet in the back makes for a nice visual, as does the opening torpedo and missile tubes. The conning tower is the cherry on tip, nicely detailed.

Features: 4.3/5
A good arrangement of weaponry with Missiles, Torpedoes, and a gun on the deck. This also functions as a free diver, which is always nice. The fact that this is a free diver is also worth mentioning as a feature.

Function: 4/5
The diving function is a little rough with its reliance on the ballast system to maintain depth. One or two fuselages parts set to a neutral (neither floating nor sinking) buoyancy would have made it perfect. The Turret itself works fine, as do the missiles. One will have to watch their depth carefully to prevent themselves from losing their weapons which can be a bit fiddly (though not overly difficult) given the lack of buoyancy.

Most major problem is the fact that this thing will go hyperspeed and be destroyed if full throttle is applied. This only happens at full throttle, and below it the submarine retains at a stable and safe speed.

Total: 18.2/20
Although it has some functional areas where its rough, this is still a very nicely made submarine. Its best aspect is certainly its unique visuals and attention to detail while its weapons get the job done.

3rd Place

-)U.S.S Behemoth

Visuals: 4/5
A smooth hull design with a few more exotic visual features. The main attraction is the nicely designed turret, with its bits and bobs nicely fitted together. It’s not quite as detailed as the other builds however, but some little details are present.

Build: 4.3/5
A pretty smooth hull with a very nicely put together turret. I’m a little on the fence about the hull around the conning tower however. It looks a bit blocky and geometric compared to the otherwise smooth hull design.

Features: 4.7/5
This is light on features, having only that turret and a periscope. The turret itself is well equipped with its cannon, rockets (which double as good ASW weapons btw!) and the minigun.

Function: 5/5
An interesting approach is taken toward diving, a fixed depth system which uses throttle to control depth and works pretty well. The inclusion of banking in turns is a nice little touch, and the turrets and periscope function well.

Total: 18/20
While the submarine Battleship wasn't hard to put into first place with its sheer feature set, deciding on silver was much more difficult between this and the N-6. This fell just short of making silver solely due to its lack of hull detail. Although not quite as aesthetic as the N-6, its functionality is quite well polished and the one weapon it does have is versatile and fun to use.

-)Takicraft U-Boat Mk. XXII (U-1138 "Marlin")

Visuals: 5/5
An exotic color pallete does wonders for the visuals of this thing. Some sea foam and teal camo on the upper structure are quite eye catching in contrast with the black hull. The conning tower is well detailed and the eyes on the hull makes for a very nice little detail as well as the hull number.

Build: 4.7/5
As heavy on the part count as they can be, ballast holes do wonders for detailing a submarine, and they are used well here. Though plentiful in details and overall looking good the turrets stick out a little in their shape. The Flag does not appear to be attached properly, causing it to flop around weirdly. The overall hull is very nicely fitted together.

Features: 4/5
Another free diver, which is worth some praise. The inclusion of depth control and realistic rudder is a very nice addition. A full compliment of torpedoes and turrets makes for a good armament for submerged and surfaced combat respectively.

Function: 4/5
This notably uses a few submarine kit parts in its functions, which are mostly implemented quite well and function quite nicely. The inclusion of proper rudder control is a nice touch and the rotator and wing engines work well. The ballast system can be hard to maintain a steady depth with due to overall positive buoyancy. Using Neutral Buoyancy would have made this free diver work a lot better! The turrets also are imprecise in their yaw due to an unmitigated 'sum(Yaw)' function being used. A little tip, add a ‘ * 0.05*’ or lower to sum functions when using turrets ('sum(Yaw * 0.05). It makes them more precise.

Total: 17.7/20
This only just fell short of making third place, which has less to do with a lack of quality and more to do with its competition. If the Turrets were done a little better in function and appearance this might have stolen third place from the Behemoth, and perhaps even silver from the N-6! Still a great submarine build

-)Submarine Challenge RJ TurtleBear Attack sub 3.3

Visuals: 3.5/5
A streamlined teardrop/cigar type of hull with a dart like set of rear hydroplanes and a decent looking conning tower. It is very light on visual details however.

Build: 4.9/5
Although light on visuals, what it does have it has pretty well put together. Only thing that looks a little rough are the ‘wing’ torpedo tubes and frontal hydroplanes.

Features: 4/5
This attempts to utilize the full functions I include in my submarines, including rudder, pitch, and yaw control. Alongside that it utilizes the piston system I’ve used to protect its armament of torpedoes from the depths.

Function: 3.3/5
I’ve found including the rear control surfaces of my Gato to be redundant given the presence of functional control surfaces on the sub itself. Pitch and Yaw control both with and without these parts works fine if a little slow at full speed. The ballast system functions, although it incurs a heavy pitch when used at full power.

Total: 15.7/20
Although this scores lowest out of the entries it is pretty good for what appears to be a first submarine let alone a first submarine that’s this advanced in function. I would encourage RamboJutter to try this again, as I believe he can learn to refine his building and eventually make a fantastic free diving submarine!

Thank you all for participating!

I was afraid for the longest time that I would get little to no entries for this challenge. But although this hasn't been huge, the entries I have gotten were wonderful! I'll get to distributing the Updoots and Spotlights soon.

I'll also add an Honorable Mention section for BogdanX whenever he makes that Kaiten.

Check out the entries to this challenge, show some love for the peeps who took part!

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    7,917 WiiSmol

    @MintLynx hey how do u make the engines working underwater

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Well I understand but I created my most recent creation on an extremely slow early 2009 iMac and that has 955 parts. @typeZERO

    4.2 years ago
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    71.3k MintLynx

    @typeZERO It didn't, but it did cause lag. It was still fun to use though! And probably has the best presentation of any custom weapon I've seen.

    4.2 years ago
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    17.9k typeZERO

    Sorry if the Kyrielight fried your PC comrade...
    Its an Experimental Weapon, Both Lore-wise and seriously-talking-wise...
    So it will cause Trouble of Used...

    4.2 years ago
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    6,283 HawaiiRanger

    Will you make another soon? I was going o enter but didn't have time...

    4.2 years ago
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    17.9k typeZERO

    Ok, I'll Answer that Question without Jokes:
    If I have the Proper Resources, I can Improve the Outer Hull Design by Adding custom Paint Scheme at the Ship. But I only have a Laptop with me, an Old Laptop, about 5 years old. And Her Age is starting to Show... I can only have a Build with a Max of 900 Parts before it starts to lag... Have you Ever Asked how many parts is the Bakunawa?

    4.2 years ago
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    71.3k MintLynx

    @typeZERO I can see where Rodrigo's getting at. Second place has a more smooth body shape with plentiful details on the hull. What made your sub win in the aesthetics department for me was mainly how unique its visuals were. A sharp angular design themed around a shark, it really caught my eye.

    4.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    They aren't exclusive to each other - something ideally can be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. I'm not saying your design isn't aesthetically pleasing because I think its pretty nice looking, its just that 2nd place edges it out for me in that department. @typeZERO

    4.2 years ago
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    17.9k typeZERO

    Whats the Point if anything Pretty if It Performs Bellow Average?

    4.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Well yeah but what's the point in anything if it's not pretty? ;D @typeZERO

    4.2 years ago
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    17.9k typeZERO

    I did not care about the Looks of my Submarine to Begin With....

    The Goal of the Submarine Battleship Bakunawa was Simple:
    * Create a Submarine Capable of Sinking the Skypark City Fleet in Seconds
    * Create a Submarine that Rivals the Performance of Ace Combat 7's "Alicorn"
    * Create a Submarine with a "Brawler" playstyle.

    4.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    I have to say to me the sub in 2nd position looks significantly better than the one in 1st.

    4.2 years ago
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    71.3k MintLynx


    4.2 years ago