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How to become popular?

8,689 JCTECHNOLOGIES  4.6 years ago

I have been trying quite hard posting contents (videos and creations) but still I had not gain popularity. Any tips?

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    3,746 997Carrera

    I might need some tips too. I am only silver and I dont know how some players get to gold or platinum so quickly.

    1.1 years ago
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    @stevemc01 ahh I see! yup your builds works fine on my phone XD

    4.0 years ago
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    3,448 stevemc01

    I just build mobile-friendly projects since it allows me to undergo my own challenge to create a build as realistic to the real thing as possible (and likely just as well-functioning).

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @jelybaca wow thank you! You put in a lot of detailfor me and used your time! I will make all that typing worth it and try my best! Thanks!

    4.6 years ago
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    86.5k Annedzsrue

    [ommited user] This is going to be hard because I play on android. it will lag out my phone. Th most parts I had so far is 590 which is my build I. TA.W.S V2. but thank you.

    Well lucky for you, popularity does not always come down to how many parts can you shove in a build, in fact high part count builds does not always equal high popularity points, rather a combination of how well the plane is built, how its presented, would the community enjoy it, how many features it has, and how viable the part count is.

    All of the planes I have built for Simpleplanes (apart for 747-146, and An225) are all below the 800 part count and performing fine, it does not even have to reach 800 parts to be popular, I built a Fw189 while I'm still a silver player and it got massive recognition from users. and its only 396 parts. And a word of advice, always think about the mobile users, making a high part count may give you a slight praise from PC/Mac users, but you are cutting off a large playerbase in simpleplanes, if you really want to be popular, think if a mobile user could realistically enjoy it. And now unfortunately, unless you can still somehow download the 1.8 version of Simpleplanes on android, presentation will be limited to a black background and in a website where the most viable way to pop out from others is utilising a custom screenshot, it may be your achilles heel. Presentation is key to pop out to the user, show most of the plane and fill the screen up as much as possible while still seeing the whole plane.

    And since interior cockpit is pretty much an uncommon sight in builds, having a well detailed, well built, and well cleaned cockpit interior can boost the popularity of your build, even more so if its mobile friendly.

    Now I cannot promise you that following my tips will gratify instant popularity, its exponential, you have to prove to the community your talent in simpleplanes building is worth upvoting for, once the community sees your builds, they may take note of it and might wait to see what you will come up next, its a slow process.

    Now the one thing that can cripple your road to popularity is to do something astronically wrong, such as plagiarising builds and claiming it as yours, calling out players or the community, or ranting against the community. Simpleplanes is much like running a business; provide good, cheap products (in this case, playable vehicles for both PC/Mac and mobile), advertising, and great Public Relations.

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Use detail, use hollow fuselages (not the stock ones), and use realism (even fictional builds, ig you make a fictional airliner use realistic beacon lights)

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    @WereOutOfNames This is going to be hard because I play on android. it will lag out my phone. Th most parts I had so far is 590 which is my build I.TA.W.S V2. but thank you.

    4.6 years ago