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What to do...

2,519 Aldriech  4.6 years ago

Hey, forum scouring Aldriech here. The past few days, I have been trying to make a plane and even a vehicle but it just won't click, I don't vibe with the things I have been doing in the designer lately. I have been searching aircraft designs, wing configurations, weird planes, meme planes, meme tanks, you name it I have searched it but even if I got the idea I just can't make it, I have trashed more or less 10 ideas in my head and three "blueprints" have gone down the bin. So I have a question for y'all: What do you usually do to get motivation, inspiration, and energy to make builds?

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    4.6 years ago
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    242 AbuHafsh

    Surf the internet bruh

    4.6 years ago
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    I base most of my builds on designs in games so just playing the game gives me inspiration to make it. Basically seeing it in action is a good way to be interested in it.

    4.6 years ago
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    2,519 Aldriech

    @Grob0s0VBRa Good stuff. Maybe I'll make another meme build again. Lmao

    4.6 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Well let me list the things:
    -Snogs( music, very big numbah of it)
    -Internal dankness ( personal, but still)
    -Hey, i made that in other sandbox game why not make it here
    -Praise the Sun
    -Seek for meme templates to use as blueprints
    -Surf the internet with fictional aircrafts
    -Seek for some game models to build off
    -Have a sanity drop
    -Realize yo headphones are on max volume
    -Start to gain faith in humanity
    -Start windows98
    -Play tetris
    -Find old Lego toys
    -Find some Bonkles (Lego Bionicle)
    -Search memes
    -Be eureka stroken
    -Profit + procrastinate to release
    -Finally release
    -Get Stonks-Stonks

    It worked on me.

    +1 4.6 years ago