I’m wondering if someone knows a funky trees formula that will allow a magnet to activate when I deactivate AG1. Thanks!
(Answered) Is there a way to get something to activate when I deactivate an activation group?
13.7k Shnippy
4.3 years ago
@Blub00The00Builder yeah it does
Also necropost momenr
@Kwoshent does landing gear work?
Interesting, I’ll keep that one in mind as well, thanks @Araknis
@Shnippy I now know an actual way, it's
Activate1 = false
Trust me, it works!
I mean yeah
also works :>@Shnippy no problem!!
Yep, that works. Thanks @Thueerra
Idk if it works but try messing up like this
Activate1 ? True : False
!= Activate1
@Shnippy np!
Thanks for the effort tho! @Araknis
@Shnippy oh wait, it doesn't work... Nvm (^_^''')
@Shnippy maybe try
Activate1 != Activate1?
!= Means non-equality, if they aren't equal, it turns on, same thing when false
(It's just speculation btw)
No need to apologize, it’s all good. You helped me a lot regardless, so thank you! @Yourcrush
All good, no worries, it could also be how I have the magnet positioned. My physics are always on high, thanks tho 😅@Yourcrush
It’s odd, because the magnet does activate, but instead of pulling things to it, it pushes them away. @Yourcrush
Awesome thanks! @Yourcrush
Doesn’t seem to work too well with the magnet, but I’m still running tests @Yourcrush
It works! Thanks! @Yourcrush
Unfortunately that didn’t seem to work. Unless I did something wrong @TanksWorldwide
I’ll try that, thanks. @TanksWorldwide