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Some financial ideas for the site.

21.8k Brendorkus  4.7 years ago

So, as I’m sure some of you know, Jundroo hasn’t been doing too well lately. I want to fix this for two reasons. 1: I’m a good person, and 2: I want credit when Jundroo becomes successful. (Kidding) I’ve decided brainstorm ideas for the website.

1: Make a tiny price for making an account.

Ok, I know people will get pissed off at me for suggesting this, but I think this could work! This would help fix the problem of too alt accounts, (who wants to pay another few cents?). Think about how many accounts we just sitting there. You could probably make quite a lot of money from this.

2: Advertise the game elsewhere.

Simple planes is a criminally underrated game. A way to fix this would be to advertise the game elsewhere, and wait until more users come in. When more users come in, more accounts come in. When more accounts come in, the income could increase with the implementation of the first policy.

3: A donations page.

This is a simple one that will be easy to implement. There could be a page where you could donate money. There will likely be the occasional few dollar gift. Or maybe MrBeast will catch on to us. Who knows?

Now, I am aware that nobody likes when companies do this. I love the community, but with more funding , I think it could get better. I don’t want this to become anything like EA, and I really hope they don’t implement subscriptions. Please, rather than showing hate in the comments, tell me what I could do better.

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    36.4k Icey21

    well.. I mean... there should be a pay for at least the 3rd account or something

    3.1 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    I like the last 2. Not the first. If people WANT to give Jundroo some xtra money, they can use a donation site. The game is already 5$. @Stratus

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    Eh. If they were doing really well they would’ve had advertisements for the past few months. @DOX

    4.7 years ago
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    11.3k DOX

    Wym jundroos been doing well

    4.7 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @EternalDarkness meh not necessarily suggest amateur work, in stuff you could have a donations tab thing, you dont have to announce that you now have a donations page on every page for the next 2 years

    4.7 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    2 and 3 are definite, especially 3. Honestly dunno why it doesnt exist yet. Ive been thinking about it nd talked to a few users about a crowdfunding for sp, cause its so good but the optimization is kind of not so good nd ur creativity is often limited by what computer you have. So if all of SPBC were to donate like 10 bucks that amounts to like $5k, obv not everyone will donate but it's an idea

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    49.3k Wogchamp

    Definitely not 1
    2, yes
    3, very yes

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    4,827 GhostOfKyiv

    I like idea 3, maybe idea 2, but definitely not idea 1.

    4.7 years ago
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    33.0k SyntheticL

    @EternalDarkness eh ok =_=

    4.7 years ago
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    @BubbleLukasie I have suggested numerous times that rules pop up after the terms of service when making an account. Andrew hasn't acted upon it yet.

    4.7 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    Well, maybe. But a donations page costs little, to nothing, and it can only do us good. @EternalDarkness

    4.7 years ago
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    33.0k SyntheticL

    @EternalDarkness true eh. =_=
    but why dont make the rules page pops up when creating an account... bruh i don't think people will check it but at lease... it pops. doesn't like now
    a terrible fact that I didn't know there's a rule page til july '19 lol

    4.7 years ago
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    45.0k rexzion

    how about just paying more for the games

    4.7 years ago
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    Putting price on making an account would mean fewer purchases and fewer new accounts. Advertising costs money. Donations page would suggest amateur work and would put people off the game.

    +13 4.7 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    @switdog08 oof

    4.7 years ago
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    2,654 switdog08


    4.7 years ago
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    12.0k Hellosss38


    +1 4.7 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    So I can see that all of you guys like the last two ideas, but hate the first one. The thing is, advertising your game isn’t cheap, and neither are online servers. A donation page, and one person buying the game every once in a while probably won’t be enough. And remember, the more funding, the more updates there will be!

    4.7 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    4.. Paid forum posts
    5.. Paid DLC and loot boxes
    6.. Paid uploads

    +6 4.7 years ago
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    312 XPco

    "Money o money o i love thee"

    -mr krabs

    +5 4.7 years ago
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    3,211 bruhmoment99

    @Renamed71220 yeah!

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    A paid account? What is this, Microsoft and Minecraft?

    +10 4.7 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    Partner with FliteTest

    +8 4.7 years ago
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    45.0k rexzion

    account price no

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    1,511 qwerty132

    2 and 3 are good ideas, the first isn’t

    +2 4.7 years ago
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