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It Seems We Have Lost Another Great

2,639 switdog08  4.6 years ago

Well fellow SP players, it has come to my attention through this post (yeah idc if you don't care) that another amazing player has left our ranks. allM, the player who designed many fantastic replicas, has left the SimplePlanes community. His most recent design, the Mitsubishi 3000 (GTO whatever), can be found in it's modified form at the link above. There are other successors too if you just search it.

I made this post because I only recently heard of allM's departure, and I didn't see any other commemorations to him. So, it has fallen on me with great sorrow to lead a noble "Goodbye" to one of our many heroes.

If you want, join me in the chat and type an M to commemorate allM's many contributions to our community.