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Now that I have riled you up...

4,769 Snowtato  4.7 years ago

What happened with the “German Corsair” Seriously someone explain it to me

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    23.5k Axartar

    @PotatoWasTaken basically, a random plane got upvoted loads, ironically, and that caused friction between people thinking it was cruel and people just taking it as a joke.
    and then all the angry ppl who always spend hours on their builds etc got angry cos an average post got blown up instead of theirs.
    in my opinion ppl just gotta treat it kinda like a lottery, u didnt win oh well try again

    4.7 years ago
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    121k belugasub

    @Ultra0 Bogdan just reposted a plane. I took hours making mine

    4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    The arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) is a finite element formulation in which the computational system is not a prior fixed in space (e.g. Eulerian-based finite element formulations) or attached to material (e.g. Lagrangian-based finite element formulations). ALE-based finite element simulations can alleviate many of the drawbacks that the traditional Lagrangian-based and Eulerian-based finite element simulations have.
    When using the ALE technique in engineering simulations, the computational mesh inside the domains can move arbitrarily to optimize the shapes of elements, while the mesh on the boundaries and interfaces of the domains can move along with materials to precisely track the boundaries and interfaces of a multi-material system.
    ALE-based finite element formulations can reduce to either Lagrangian-based finite element formulations by equating mesh motion to material motion or Eulerian-based finite element formulations by fixing mesh in space. Therefore, one finite element code can be used to perform comprehensive engineering simulations, including heat transfer, fluid flow, fluid-structure interactions and metal-manufacturing.

    +7 4.7 years ago
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    It was funny as a one-off joke but people like bogdanx and belugasub made variants of it that got tons of upvotes and its getting a bit repetitive

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    4,769 Snowtato

    Ahh so it’s just people being stupid as usual, sad that it translates into such a creative website.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @BuiltBionixInd10 straight facts

    4.7 years ago
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    @MrSilverWolf points don't really matter at partially all

    4.7 years ago
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    4,827 GhostOfKyiv

    It was a simple, some people would say low quality/effort plane, that got front paged. Many people were upset, so they reported it and left rude comments, and due to the number of reports, auto-mod took it down. The moderators later re-approved it, but many people are still upset that an easy build got so much attention. They’re just being salty over internet points.

    4.7 years ago
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    A post that people got salty over because they thought their post deserved more upvotes than a “crap post”
    Because yes get salty over meaningless fake internet points that have zero value in life

    +9 4.7 years ago