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What's up with me nowadays

81.9k TakicraftCorporation  4.7 years ago


Gosh, there's so many things that's going down since my last forum post... I don't really know how should i start.

I was a bit inactive since march, because i had an opportunity to spend my summer in the USA. I was applicated to a camp councelor job in Massachusetts, i was busy to gather my papers and visa for the trip, untill Mr Covid kicked in, and my chances for the trip started to drop down, and got cancelled at may. I was pretty much upset, because i prepared for this summer since last november, and i didn't get my money fully back. (no worries it's still enough for a fine set of wheels, this is the only positive i can think)

So while this happened, i used to work in the office alone, (because my job cannot done from home office, and i am the youngest member of our finance team) That made me pretty tired in the end of the days, so i wasn't even in the mood to turn on my computer.

Well, i never thought the world can change so incredible and fast, and exactly in the same year when i have big plans... But át the and i always realise we all lost something in these confusing times, and there are people who lost even more than me.

Anyway, just to mention something positive, i try to get back in actinon, and there's some cool things comming up from me. The long promised new ships, exciting cars, and even a spacecraft is in my building schedule right now.

Thanks for reading, stay strong!

Have a nice day/evening/night!

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    @TakicraftCorporation do you have any race car frame in storage that I could use?

    4.6 years ago
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    @TakicraftCorporation that phrase is definitely concerning XD

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    @BuiltBionixInd10 dude it's 2020. Everything is dying 😄

    +8 4.7 years ago
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    The Shocking truth why SimplePlanes is dying that the community is dying

    +5 4.7 years ago
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    32.7k Wakescar

    Looking forward to a takispacecraft..

    +10 4.7 years ago