Last night I was bored so I drew one of my favorite SP planes from memory. I didn't draw perspective lines, but I think it looks ok
This is the Finch
I drew this in the greatest art software, Microsoft OneNote
Last night I was bored so I drew one of my favorite SP planes from memory. I didn't draw perspective lines, but I think it looks ok
This is the Finch
I drew this in the greatest art software, Microsoft OneNote
Should I make more?
Make more
Nice, if you are an epicureans you can add shadows and gradient too
Cartoony. Nice.
@KnightOfRen Thanks!
@Shootingstar07 Yeah it kinda looks like it has an anhedral
@NumbersNumbersTheMan okie dokey
The right wing's angle isn't right but the drawing is good.
This is really cool! @TurtlesThatFly
@TurtlesThatFly yes more
@TurtlesThatFly bocks
@NumbersNumbersTheMan I'm too smallbrained to make circular fuselage RC planes, sorry
Me will try this too
this is epicly cartoonish, but where are the CAD RC plans
I need to do one now lol