Weapons options:
For cannon and rocket, add extra shell type called shrapnel or fragmentation. It’s like the explosive but has less radius but more damage representing the fragments not being able to penetrate past a certain speed or something.
Add Optional adjustable proximity fuses for explosive and fragmentation shell types and also add the fuse for rockets too so we can get some project natter type stuff going. AG and AA.
Add spread to cannons and tone down the Impact damage with AP shells. (I know I can do that in the XML editor but I really don’t want to find the perfect damage for each cannon I make in the game).
Add timed fuse to work with either and input where you put max and min distance and you control when the shell explodes (either fragmentation or explosive) by an input like throttle, trim, or vtol.
Alternatively, you could have a time fuse that takes the expected time to travel to the target and when you fire the cannon, the shell will explode after that time. Also maybe add a randomization option for the fuse delay. AA and AG. This could be done with my request for funky trees.
Impact delay fuse for bombs pretty self explanatory
Funky Trees:
Be able to find the position of the targeted aircraft relative to you (Heading, pitch, etc) or maybe the world (I don’t know what that would be useful for) if you want to go the extra mile. Also find the flight data for the targeted aircraft like altitude (ground level and sea level), speed (all types of speed), their heading, their pitch, etc.
I don’t know if this is a feature but I highly doubt it is but random integer like randint in python and it would work the same way pretty much. randInt(x,x). Also another random integer one that refreshes every so often. refreshRandInt(x,x,r) r represents how many seconds until a refresh where it flicks a new random number. Can be a decimal.
I’m more interested in the fuses and funky trees stuff that lets us make automatic turrets and custom missiles. Also proximity fuse @metaphysicalgnome
I'd love to see shrapnel.