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Simpleplanes, you make me angry

1,291 CountryhumansUSSR  4.6 years ago

Okay, so i want to make a fuselage wing for Supermarine spitfire, but my plane traverse right the whobble, the wing trick is useless, if you do the trick you will comment, but the problem is vertical wing, my vertical wing is not yawwed to left or right, just neutral postion, at previous version 1.7 or 1.6/1.8, i forgot, FIX THE PROBLEM OR DEVELOPER PLEASE ADD NEW ITEM IN WINGS OPTION, FUSELAGE WING

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    @Defalt1 i will make you understand

    So i want to make a plane, i see in wings option, but at wikipedia is much bigger at corner, so i attach fuselage, but the plane is extremly traverse right then whobble

    The end

    4.6 years ago
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    19.1k Defalt1

    I cant understand every sentences you make

    4.6 years ago
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    @ArcturusAerospace what is clarify ?

    4.6 years ago
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    Can you please clarify? I don't really understand.

    4.6 years ago