After the attack on the Asamian Navy, Keiko joined up with the rest of Crimson Squadron. On the way back, they accidentally shot down an Osean Airliner mistaken for a naval bomber. The plane was carrying the Osean Defense Minister as well as Harling's daughter. All passengers on the plane were killed due to Keiko firing an AIM-120C, causing to the airliner to explode entirely. After the incident, the Osean President, made an alliance with the Intruders and swore to his nation that he would kill Keiko and the rest of the Anima with their allies too. Even, the famous Three Strikes, Trigger is out to hunt down Keiko himself
Emmeria, to avoid being conquered by Osea, joined the Alliance with with the Intruders and Osea. Garuda Team is now stationed at a front-line base ready to intercept.
In the middle of all of this, an Asamian Airstrike was carried out to destroy an oil field that supplied the Motherships with fuel to feed it's fighters. Five Asamian F-14JS carried out the mission. But when they dropped their bombs, the last barrage missed and hit an elementary school, killing 356 of the 400 kids. The Erusean Princess, Rosa Cossette was visiting the school when the airstrike was ordered. She is now in the ER room from being hit by shrapnel. The King of Erusea joined the Alliance with the Intruders and made it's first move by trying to attack Belka, but the attack failed.
In response to this attack by Erusea and seeing the countless threats being made to it's trade partner, Asami Isles. Belka joined the Asami Isles alliance and sent their ace squadron, Schnee Squadron, to operate with the Anima. Not only that, but Mercenaries from Ustio, joined the Alliance with Asami on their own volition. The Asami Air Force still supplied the mercenaries with cash for their work in respect.
The following countries have also joined us to support and receive protection
-Fabellan Federation
The Following countries have joined the Intruders and their alliances.
The Intruders and their alliances call themselves Blood Axis. Our alliance is known as U.N.C.A.F.
United Nations Combined Air Force.
The plane that missed the target and hit the school. The pilot was not reprimanded for his mistake and continued service, although he was aware of what happened, and was upset for the young lives he had taken.
Betrayal: New Enemies
7,995 MarbleXLazuli
4.5 years ago
@Sanaba Sure, i would love to fly them, they would be great characters into my Story
I still have all flanker and all stealth aircraft
Just tell me if u want it i'll give it. Also i make newer version of them so i didnt get copyright from my build
Its up to u @DarkMarble1
@Sanaba Do you want me to repost it for you
Okay...i see you still have my F-15 that no longer available