I want to make a P-38, but I have no idea how to make those little stars on the side. Could one of you peeps out there tell me how to do it?
I want to make a P-38, but I have no idea how to make those little stars on the side. Could one of you peeps out there tell me how to do it?
KK! Signing off for the night! Just finished my p-38, but had some problems with the symbol and removed it. :( Press the link to see it!https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/95zve0/P-38-lightning
@Mrkumqaut oh do you need 30 points to upvote things now? I didn't know that. Lemme finish the build I'm working on and then I'll check out your planes!
I don't have 30 points though. Plz download my plane.https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/VRJ6o3/ME-163-Komet-german-nazi-jet-interceptor-of-death-doom-less-allied-planes-and It is a me 163 komet interceptor.
Infinite thanks!
Oh also make sure to upvote the roundel!
@Mrkumqaut yeah, it's just because when you're in the builder, structural panels and wings have visible roots so you can see where they attach. They disappear when you start the level
Do you know why when I download the star turns into a square?
@Exumer uploaded a free-to-use USAF roundel here. You can download that and save it as a subassembly, and then attach it to your planes