Meet the fighter
lets think that this is predecessor of US F2F Buffalo
Oh,well, shoot, here we go again
Stand user: Type R (Pz-R)
feat Tonk made by ye boi Aldriech
In a galaxy far away
Frontier planet
Corvette HPC-28 Cielo spotted unauthorized orbital structure descending too close to a planet atmosphere.Its (corvette) signal was lost when it started to approach suspicious object.
Last transmission from corvette
kinda alien(or maybe not) siege platform...
Deep WIP, so i would not bring better screenshots... not now.
Bonus :
When A-10 Lightning II needs additional firepower
Hold up, is this all a jojo reference?
hmm, funneh Gmod animation i guess
Thats all folks
P.s. If you interested, please tell on what you want to be tagged.
Bruh I love that first plane. As a paint recommendation, make it shiny grey (so it looks like bare aluminum) and add some olive drab to the top of the nose.
Taggy boi
Taggy tag tag