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Backup! : Anima's Sister?!

7,995 MarbleXLazuli  4.6 years ago

After Operation Southern Sea, the carrier JS Akagi, and it's two missile destroyers, JS Ayanami and JS Laffey were returning back to meet up with the rest of the fleet. Nakamura, Eagle, Maeko, Hornet, and the Schnee squadron members were having dinner together. The Asamian pilots were doing their daily workout. and Constrictor Squadron members were hanging out with the younger Anima as they had a sleep-over. Marble was undergoing engine testing and Skye was making a bento for him when he was done. Meanwhile the Akagi captain ordered one of the destroyers to go scout ahead. Laffey took the order and went full speed ahead away from the detached fleet.
40 minutes into the patrol and a storm had rolled in. The waves shaking Laffey and visibility was weakened. Then, 4 contacts were picked up on radar. It was a small Erusean Aviation fleet, consisting of one Aircraft Carrier. Two large missile destroyers and a super Battlecruiser called Excalibur. The Destroyers began locking on to Laffey and she instantly returned fire.

Excalibur turned towards Laffey as she unleashed her barrage of missiles and CWIS against the Erusean Destroyers. Laffey redirected one of her missile silo areas to fire on Excalibur while main attack missile were focused on the carrier group. This battle raged with even standards for about an hour. But Laffey was running low on missile and the enemy ships were surrounding her.

Excalibur fired her main guns, directly hitting Laffey. Laffey's propulsion systems were incapacitated and the Fire Control systems were destroyed. Laffey's main superstructure was in ruins and the right side of the hull integrity was weak. The Erusean ships began to circle around, ready to deal the final blow when.......

JS Akagi: Warning! Unknown Aircraft approaching at high speed.

Laffey: This is it....

A missile darted for the clouds. Laffey braced for impact. The missile struck directly into the Erusean Destroyer's hull, hitting the ammo rack and exploded.

Unknown: ..........

A Fast Yellow fighter from the R.A.E called Physite Physor darted from the storm and open fired on the second Destroyer, opening a hull in its side, causing it to sink slowly. The crippled Erusean destroyer continued to open fire, doing only light damage to the yellow plane before finally sinking.

Physor: .........

Excalibur fired her anti-air at Physor but to no avail. Physor went vertical, looped and dived down on Excalibur, firing a missile directly into a reloading cannon. Excalibur's two front main turrets exploded, causing the ship to break in half and sink.

The Erusean carrier escaped during the battle, apparently, it didn't half aircraft or ammo at the time so it was useless during the fight. JS Ayanami caught up with Laffey and helped her limp back to the Akagi. Repair ship JS Akashi was on the way to retrofit and repair Laffey. Physor went straight up and disappeared into the clouds.

Marble was sitting on the flight deck of Akagi near the stern. As he stared into the moonlight, the yellow fighter darted past quickly before disappearing once more. Marble had watched the battle from the camera view of Laffey. He saw Physor in action and evaluated her performance as well as her weaponry and stats during the fight. After making a file on Physor, Marble shut down his Recon systems and continued to look up the sky.

Marble: A battle ends and a new ally was gained. A sister to Anima? I wonder.....what is the meaning and purpose of siblings and family?

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    @Ferrolon Ah gotcha

    4.6 years ago
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    12.9k Ferrolon

    Also, RAE took the war one step further by developing spaceship.

    4.6 years ago
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    12.9k Ferrolon


    4.6 years ago
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    12.9k Ferrolon

    One correction: Physor is quiet, just like cipher.

    4.6 years ago
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    @Eiro Its an RP

    4.6 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    If this is a teaser i think its RP

    4.6 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar


    4.6 years ago