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Regarding Achievement Posts in Airplanes Tab (Again)

235 FPRed  9.2 years ago

If you haven't read my previous post about the topic, it's at

I have made this post to reiterate a suggestion I made in my previous post. What's the problem, you say? The problem is this: Achievement posts in the Airplanes tab. I could understand that before the forums, you could post Achievement posts such as "I hit 5000!" or "1500 point milestone!" but now that there are forums now, I thought that the problem would be dealt with. I was very wrong.

What's my suggestion? Make Achievement posts strictly to the Forums only and not in the Airplanes tab. Achievement posts clutter the Airplanes tab. I don't think I could sugarcoat it any further. I come to so that I can discover new and exciting airplane designs or contraptions. When I'm scrolling through Airplanes, I don't want to see something like "I Hit 200!" and the airplane being some lame blocks spelling "200". It's terrible.

But on the other hand, I am totally okay if a user coupled their achievement post with a plane or contraption. I consider it still contributing to the community. I am just against people who uses lame fuselage blocks to spell out a number or "gold", "silver", etc.

TL;DR Achievement posts should be strictly to Forums unless coupled with an airplane of their own.

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    235 FPRed

    @Jettison Like I said in my post, I'm fine with people celebrating a milestone. They can celebrate about anything they want. Just don't post it on airplanes where people go and look for new airplanes. Maybe post it on the forums or something.

    9.2 years ago
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    2,705 Jettison

    Just please don't hate on what other people want to celebrate.

    9.2 years ago
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    2,705 Jettison

    It really only makes one plane difference, as well as allowing people to enjoy milestones in their Simpleplanes lifetime. Realistically, it's the same as some TV show that everyone likes doing a 75th anniversary and having a few people not like it.

    9.2 years ago
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    235 FPRed

    @Jettison Actually, it does harm. These achievement posts cause new planes to be bumped down the page, and the possibility to never be discovered. The tab is called Airplanesfor a reason and one reason only: airplanes.

    9.2 years ago
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    235 FPRed

    @XVIindustries Yes, I totally agree with you. As I stated in the my post, I'm fine with celebratory posts if they couple it with a plane.

    9.2 years ago
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    2,705 Jettison

    I do agree, however I think that is because I am not really one for showboating milestones. If people want to show people their achievements, let them. It's not really harming you so just let it go.

    9.2 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    If u celebrate it in forums thats fine but indeed it does make our planes to page 2 and the celebrators to first page and get 50000upvotes....@UnstableOrbit @Allstar

    9.2 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    I agree with you. They're quite annoying

    9.2 years ago
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    It is fine if u make a plane with it surely, or at least something you can do with it, not just a big block of gold or a number.. @UnstableOrbit

    9.2 years ago
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    @ProKillaV12 Actually it kinda DOES spam stuff. Have you noticed how sometimes, the forum posts only go back several pages? Worthless "ZOMG I GOT AN UPVOET" posts help kick more useful posts to the depths of the forums faster. In the case of airplane postings that are nothing but celebrations, they kick good planes off the "newest" page faster. Both situations are bad.

    9.2 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Theres nothing Wrong with celebrating your achievement :/ if u dont like it just pass it it wont spam everything...

    9.2 years ago