PS:this is only for FireGuns and FireWeapons
When you use a rotator it spins yes, but it spins backwards after you take your finger off the button (like when you use FireGuns as a logic)
We need a option to rotators like :
spinning direction=1 or 2 direction
After reading this it sounded weird but we need this
@PlanariaLab He means a rotator that turns a specific amount each time you use it without returning in the opposite direction. Like the cylinder of a revolver.
@PlanariaLab wow thanks (I dont know that its possible)
@asteroidbook345 not cool :/ I discover this game 5 month ego....
@PlanariaLab Groovie, thanks. Also, no need to apologize for being helpful.
@TomekHellFire it's easy. It's basically combining math with inputs
oh god, not funky trees...
sorry, i just dont know how FT works in general. for me it's just too complicated.
should fit the bill.@PlanariaLab in some situations this dont help, for example then you use in input codes like Roll+FireGuns
First, thanks for advice
Second... Wut!?
if i'm not mistaken some magic using, clamp() or clamp01()
okay its possible, ive forgotten how tho. I personally don't know/remember and I understand why, try asking a funky trees genius like @SnoWFLakE0s . or other ppl. by the way don't ask the devs for stuff in the forums, in the stuff tab there's a section called user voice ask for stuff there. Good luck with your project
@Brendorkus no I it does not work I tried everything before I write this forum
@Beefy wat? I'm new to the game if you talking about me :/
I was thinking about the rotators that spin forever, since those DO come back to 0° automatically. Now i want a forever-spinning rotator that doesn't rotate back to 0° after the input turns off.
Oh wait, i get it now
I tried setting InputController's "min" value to 0, but the rotator automatically resets the max range to 180 and it still rotates back. Any help?
Are you sending this in Internet Explorer? Because youre way too late
Go to the input section in overload, go to min, and set it to 0.
I think it's possible using funkytrees, but yes, this would be nice.