I just uploaded an aircraft called "piper swift" about 15 miuites ago, I go to check how its doing and its simply vanished
can any mods or players explain?
I just uploaded an aircraft called "piper swift" about 15 miuites ago, I go to check how its doing and its simply vanished
can any mods or players explain?
@Reuben201103 excellent :)
I understand now, thank you @EternalDarkness
From the rules: "While we allow photoshoped thumbnails, post with misleading thumbnails will be removed."
Your thumbnail was too photoshopped. You can have writings on the thumbnail, but the build itself must be shown as it it, in its real colors. You may reupload that build, but with a thumbnail that shows the build itself, not an edited picture. You can use the edited picture in description.
oh okay thank you, I was just surprised because I hadn't seen your comment before it was gone @Blue0Bull
@superpointlesswhyshouldiDwightShrute yeah its annoying, im just gonna wait for @Blue0Bull to reply before I reupload it
I hadn’t got to test it yet @Reuben201103
I think it was the screenshot;-; @Reuben201103
@Blue0Bull did you remove it seeing as you were the last one to comment?
if so why?
because I drew the thumbnail rather than it being a screenshot?