Yes indeed, today is independence day for my country, my beloved Indonesia, im gonna upload a special build just for this, stay tuned for that
The 75th, shame we can't really gather around with our comrades because the virus, but alas, happy independence day (cute kawaii smile from Nagato-san)
Just hope i make the special build in time :)
That ominous 4 points...
Crap, im gonna get gold before i pop he Sverdlov...
frick no, semakin banyak aja yg ngeupvote ahh shiet, gw ga mau gold dulu (panic sqeal)
@Ryn176 iya, kan Sverdlov Class
Me have to make the pride of Indonesian Navy
@WarshipDude siaaap
KRI Irian kalo gak salah ada di WoWs juga kan ya?
Happy Independence Day for you, Indonesian friends
Better be quick
No... This can't happen yet, only 53 more points to get that exotic butter level noo, i haven't even build my Sverdlov KRI Irian fricc nuu...
@Ryn176 aku baru mau buat KRI Cakra ato ngak KRI Irian
yeet it's 17th of august isn't it
waduh, f-enam belas ku belum siap nih aaaaa