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Alternative WW1

54.3k ElGatoVolador  9.0 years ago

So after being inspired from watching a film I decided to make a WW1 thing. It would be me saying (your nation) need a new fighter and all of the nations will need to make a fighter plane. They won't be judged on how good they preform or look it's for fun. Also some nations can go to war. Also there will be a part restriction like no jets and a certain amount of power the engines can have for era and no monoplanes either in the beginning. It's ok if your not skilled at making open cockpits a close one is fine.

To join you must make a plane having 1 prop engine of any hp and type. Gear and well that's it no restriction on it being a mono plane. Also remember after you make your plane in the comments put @ElGatoVolador each plane will get a upvoted from me.