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I need help for landing gears...

2,519 Aldriech  4.6 years ago

I was basing off my landing gear from the SU-37 and noticed that the two main gear wheel turns 90 degrees when retracting. We all know what happens to a rotator when it is subjected with heavy loads. Do I really have to make the weight of the craft heavy to make the gear more sturdy or are there more ways to fix the wobbliness of the rotator? Please give this noob silver the tips and tricks to make sturdy landing gears. :(

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    To increase the "strength" of a rotator use xml (overload mod) to increase the mass.

    4.6 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    thats probably just a clipping issue

    4.6 years ago
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    4,165 chemmey

    @Aldriech rotators 'damperMultiplier' . What I know is that the heavier is the build, the higher is the 'damperMultiplier'

    +2 4.6 years ago