I was working with my plane when suddenly an electric blackout happens. I clicked the save button fast but not long after that the electric passed out. This has happened to me a lot of times, and i'm sick of it, but there is a very high probability that my game didn't save the craft in time and the file got corrupted. I am sad, since it took me 6 hours and it was almost complete. Is there a way to dig into the XML files and repair the broken XML?
Thanks very much, WNP78, the file wasn't exactly corrupted, but this will still be helpful for future reference
It really depends how the file is "corrupted". brians1209 mentioned deleting connections. This is due to a bug with connections (that will be patched in the next update) that sometimes leads to a connection with invalid parameters being saved and makes the craft not load.
For anyone who does have this issue, they can fix it for now by opening the XML in a text editor and removing any lines that contain the text attachPointsA="" or attachPointsB="".
However if your file was corrupted after cutting power exactly as you saved the craft then I wouldn't expect this to be the issue. The issue could really be anything, I'd have to see the XML to see if it's recoverable.
It is possible, I've once done it myself.
Go download something like Notepad ++ and open the xml file and find for connections, and erase them all.
It works, but after you do it you have to reconnect everything.
(A professional can fix it without erasing every connection, so go and find one)
There is.. but 99.99% of the time its unrecoverable.
@TheSupremeCoco actually it's @WNP78
I don't think so