Is there a way to make a fuselage glow?
I think I saw someone making the fueslage glow by making the fuselage very thin, but I'm not sure.
Is there a way to make a fuselage glow?
I think I saw someone making the fueslage glow by making the fuselage very thin, but I'm not sure.
I know this is a 5 month old post, but glass fuselages set to 10x opacity with the color at 100% metallic causes it to glow in the dark
The fuselage glow technique used to work on pc, but It doesn’t anymore
Angling the sides of the fuselage considerably (increasing the difference in size between the front and back sides and reducing the length very much) causes the shaders to glitch.
At that time, the mobile version appears to glow white.
The PC version looks completely black due to different shader specifications.
@CenturyAerospace now that i accept, once again, Android got another advantage over PC players, first the infinitely many photos, and now, glowy fuselage, yes please :)
put a light in it?
@CenturyAerospace YEAH MOBILE RISES BABY!!!
The fuselage glow technique only works on mobile
you can make it glow by making it very thin, I think the front has to be smaller than the back.
step 1 get a fuselage
step 2 make the front .25 x .25
step 3 make the length .25.
I think that's it.
Not that I know of. I dont think its possible.