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Unidentified: Friend or Foe

7,995 MarbleXLazuli  4.6 years ago

The Asamian Naval fleet took rest at a Accilian Naval base, Where a very famous squadron, Griffon Squadron, is joining the fleet. Schnee squadron was having their Tomcats repaired. Constrictor Squadron were chatting with each other. Phantom, Eagle, Hornet, Gripen were playing football. Skye was basking in the sun and Marble was taking a nap. Supplies were being loaded onto the ship and JS Laffey was finally able to finish up repairs. R.A.E and W-heavy aircraft waited on standby, but the Physite Physor and Sciphira came to hang out aboard the Akagi. Cipher and Pixy had also finally arrived to join the fleet. It was all around, a quiet and peaceful day.

Radar Controller: Scramble! Scramble! 15 Erusean F-15's approaching from the west. Man your planes! This is not a drill!

The air raid sirens started blaring and everyone raced back to their planes. sailors got back aboard the Akagi and armed the ship-borne weapons quickly. Phantom taxied to the catapult and launched, followed by the other Anima, Schnee, and Constrictor. Physite and and other W-heavy aircraft were launched from the carrier Akio as well. Accilian F-14Acc's, Cipher, Pixy and Midnight Squadron's F-14JS's took off from the airbase to intercept as well.

The Squadrons merged and the sky was once again a furball. It was a tight space, with planes passing only 15 inches away from each other. Physor downed two F-15s while Sciphira downed 3. Skye went and killed another two, flying past their debris. Phantom claimed four more kills, leaving only four more left.

Midnight F-14JS Pilot: They didn't stand a chance against us

Eagle: That seemed almost too easy

Eagle killed three F-15s, leaving the last one to a FSWF-01/MTD's free kill. The sky was clear of enemies. We had lost only one F-14JS to an F-15's guns. They were about to turn back when...

Marble: Large craft entering the AO. Hostile Intent

Everyone turned back to face it. They got locked on by the large craft and missiles were heading their direction. From out of the clouds, the Intruder Type 1 Mothership "World Ender" emerged. The same one that destroyed Hyakuri Air Base back at Asami. Multiple contacts appeared, revealing over 200 Intruder Attackers and 200 Intruder Controller types. The World Ender fired more missiles and the U.N.C.A.F squadron went evasive as they approached the Intruders at full speed. The sky was ignited with fire and contrails once more. But the losses were more severe

A Schnee F-14 was taken down by the World Ender's huge anti-air battery. Another FSWF-01/MTD was shredded by an Intruder attacker type 2. Midnight Squadron suffered the losses of three F-14JS's, losing all 6 pilots involved.

Eagle and Physor downed multiple Intruders with ease, taking out 50 of them in seconds. Skye and Gripen took out 30 while Phantom took out a whole 70, but had ran out of ammo. The U.N.C.A.F squadron was also starting to run low on weapons.

Accilian Pilot: We won't have enough to beat them!

Midnight Pilot: I'm all out, Winchester!

W-heavy Pilot: Someone get us out of here!

Then, massive EPCM levels shot across the battlefield instantly, severely affecting the Anima and Physite. The H.U.D on the normal fighters became disabled and electronics were scrambled.

Gripen: tsk, Everyone turn on EPCM shields!

The Anima and Physite did just so. Eagle connected the electronic protection to the normal manned fighters. Skye detected where the high EPCM came from.

Skye: Guys, the EPCM shock came from a friendly aircraft.

Gripen: Who?

Schnee Pilot: Look, some of the drones are falling from the sky!

Midnight Pilot: Some of them....are attacking their own kind?!

Accilian Pilot: Are some of the Intruders helping us? What the hell is going on?!

Marble then dived from above to engage the World Ender. Intruder Attacker types followed him but they weren't attacking him. Instead they were helping attack their own Mothership. Marble's D.E.M.O.N system was active and he was tricking and controlling the drones to doing as he ordered them to.

Maeko: How the hell is he doing that?!

Midnight Pilot: I swear that kid is full of Asamian black magic.

R.A.E pilot: I don't care what it is. He saved us!

Marble launched four missiles at all of World Ender's missile batteries, rendering long range combat useless for it. The U.N.C.A.F squadron was able to get close and do real damage with some of their remaining weapons. Phantom and other pilots came back into the fight after landing back at base and rearming. Physite Sciphira unleashed her rain of guns over one of the anti-air gun batteries. Cipher destroyed a laser armed at the bottom of World Ender. Physor flew in between the guns and downed one of World Ender's propellers. Everyone began following the same idea, slowing World Ender down from escaping. But the engines kept restarting and kept World Ender airborne.

Constrictor pilot: This damn thing just won't die!

Marble looked from above the World Ender. Then he commanded the converted intruders to slam themselves into World Ender's engines. The remaining Intruders raced up towards the sun then dived into World Ender's engines, becoming controlled kamikazes. Massive damage was done but the beast was still active and gliding. But its defense systems were ravaged and it couldn't attack.

Marble: Everyone, fire upon the cockpit with your remaining missiles. It can't defend.

AWACS: Marking the cockpit as a TGT

Everyone lined up for the shot on the cockpit. All at once, they deployed their missiles. The last of their weapons screamed towards the cockpit of World Ender and destroyed it. It began falling out of the sky and heading straight towards a massive coastal city.

AWACS: The World Ender's debris is on a crash course for the city. Someone blow it up before it reaches the impact point!

Midnight Pilot: Your Insane.

Pixy: That's not a hard task. C'mon Buddy.

Cipher and Pixy chased after the doomed Mothership, trying to hit the armed bomb load. Pixy had destroyed the bomb bay doors, leaving the armed payload exposed.

Pixy: Do it Cipher!

Cipher dived under and raced upwards toward the bomb bay. He fired two missile as he flew through the bomb bay, coming out the other side, unscathed. The World Ender exploded following his escape. Both of the wings were blown off and sent into the ocean. The rest of the burning debris impacted the side of the cliff. Cheers could be heard from the city. Citizens yelled and screamed for the victory of the U.N.C.A.F. Same thing occurred with the pilots, cheering for the brave mercenaries. But once again, Skye had noticed something wrong.

Skye: Eagle-san, where did Marble-chan go?

Eagle: I don't know, Skye-chan

AWACS: He was ordered to return to base and bring a converted Intruder with him. I bet the research team wants to do more studying on the Intruders with Marble's captured one.

The rest of the U.N.C.A.F squadron returned to base. They landed safely back and went to the mess hall to have drinks and have fun, celebrating the massive take-down of an Intruder Mothership.
Meanwhile, on Marble's flight back. A storm had rolled in and he was all alone, only with the captured Intruder and the AWACS, which was 25 miles away from him. Marble looked at his new prisoner curiously. It was a strange Red and White aircraft. It didn't have a canopy or a cockpit. Two little engines throwing out white exhaust kept it flying. Marble was about to set an autopilot back to base and take a nap when...

AWACS: Warning! Unknown target approaching at high-speed.

AWACS: Break! Break!

Marble made the Intruder go evasive. Just then a laser beam shot out and hit the belly of the Intruder, destroying it. The research project had been lost. Marble checked his radar. A fast-moving aircraft was approaching him head-on. A small craft flew straight past him and went vertical. The plane had no canopy but a solid nose with red lights lining the top. Marble then turned to engage the unknown fighter.

Unknown: "Ace Combat 7 Drone noises"

The fighter matched Marble's agility. Marble began toying with the fighter, seeing as to what it would do. It continued to follow Marble as he shook left and right, teasing it for a lock. Then, it fired a TLS laser. It barely missed Marble, the blinding red light shooting past his cockpit. Spooked by it, Marble stopped messing around with it and used the full extent of his abilities. Marble tried using the D.E.M.O.N system to try and control it. It's lights flickered but it's performance wasn't hindered in anyway, confirming it wasn't an A.I.

Unknown: Schreeecheechee...chee
(My attempt at recreating the AC7 drone noises, fight me)

The battle continued for 15 minutes. It still stayed on Marble's tail, trying to fire its TLS again, but to no avail. Marble made himself slower, letting the drone catch up quickly. With a swift move, Marble's airbrakes slammed up instantly and he pulled back, pulling a cobra. The drone flew past and Marble got a lock. he fired his gun and struck the engine. It began to smoke up and retreated at full speed. The Unknown adversary raced into the clouds and disappeared from sight and radar.

AWACS: Good defense, Marble. Don't worry about the loss of the intruder. Just return to base safely.

Marble: Roger....

Marble had gotten multiple pictures of the drone while he was defensive. He saved the pictures to a custom file and saved it for the next time he saw it, he would be able to write a report on it.

ATC: Marble, you're short final for the runway 05.

But, as Marble was landing, he began to feel faint and extremely tired. Losing sight, he passed out in his cockpit. His plane began to lose power since Marble wasn't providing energy. It became unstable and started dropping altitude at a rapid pace.

ATC: You're too low, You're too low, Marble!

ATC: Apply power, add power, Marble!

Marble remained asleep and his plane was on a crash course for the runway. The sleeping F-14 swung side to side, mis-aligning the landing approach. Marble was now a quarter of a mile away. The A.I flight assist had turned on and began regaining control of Marble's plane.

ATC: Apply power and go around, Apply power and go around!

But, Marble's plane disappeared below the hills. Everyone braced for a crash but it never came. Then, the F-14 shot over the top of the hill, hit the runway, snapped it's left landing gear and slid to a stop.

The scramble was a success, but it had revealed a new type of aircraft and Marble's biggest defect, the reason why the research team tried so hard to keep him out of the war. Marble has no engine power limiter and his energy level is unstable. If Marble red-lines for too long, he will pass out from low energy. Skye, Eagle, and Phantom stayed with Marble in the med-bay as the Battle Group departed the base, once more.

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    6,899 Diver

    @DarkMarble1 Welcome.

    4.6 years ago
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    @AccilianMilitaryAircraft lol, thanks

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    @Kreep2knight thank you for understanding

    4.6 years ago
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    6,899 Diver

    @DarkMarble1 Oh ok, so not bad for a non native speaker.

    4.6 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    Ehem I speak fluent Zone of Endless. Allow me.


    (Also why have I not upvoted? I'm gonna fix that)

    4.6 years ago
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    @DarkMarble1 This is also quite anime-based, so coherent writing for this isn't going to be a full 100%

    4.6 years ago
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    @WarshipDude Well that's why I made Marble. To overcome that flaw in aerial combat.

    4.6 years ago
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    @Kreep2knight With the grammer thing. My original language is Japanese. I'm good with English but not perfect

    4.6 years ago
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    @Kreep2knight I've been done that road. This is my 7th book that i have tried to write, so i'm learning as i go.

    4.6 years ago
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    Sometimes i think about the need of a coherent work with the use of Reconnaissance, Fighter and Bomber, you know what im talking about..., Falkland War Intensifies Wryy~, i sometimes think most war stories lacking those 3, usually only goes for the fighter or bomber straight away bombing random target with somehow a precise hit despite having no intel on where the placement of said target

    4.6 years ago
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    6,899 Diver

    @DarkMarble1 Well, the order of events is a bit jumbled, the grammar can also be improved, and some more detail can be put into how things happen like we need to know why marble has an energy level. Of course unless it was in a part i missed

    I actually am trying to write a book. Lol. And i'm also an avid reader, so that's why i am critical about your story. But as i said, not bad, I tried to write a book 8-9 times, deleted all of them. One even was at chapter 4 and 3000 words... but it wasn't good enough for me, so i trashed it and tried again... I'm telling the truth.

    4.6 years ago
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    @Kreep2knight Tell me how i can make it better

    4.6 years ago
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    @TurtlesThatFly Thank you

    4.6 years ago
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    6,899 Diver

    Not bad, but not entirely coherent.

    4.6 years ago
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    From someone outside this RP, I was truly engaged in this story. Well done writing it!

    4.6 years ago
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    4.6 years ago
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    @Ferrolon okay noted

    4.6 years ago
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    12.9k Ferrolon

    One correction: Sciphira doesn't have an physite yet. So it uses A.I. instead.

    4.6 years ago
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    Thank you

    4.6 years ago
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    4,635 MongooseZiya


    4.6 years ago
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    41.9k Ren


    4.6 years ago