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How to improve maneuverabilty via different aspects

443 BigBeast  4.5 years ago

Hey guys i am pretty new here and was doin alot of experimentation, it just kills me though that maneuverability is usually wrong.
So i got some questions for ya....

1-some planes have a stiff flight, they recoil due to pitch and roll inputs mainly

2-some planes just steer during takeoff (onland) despite carefull mirroring

3-some planes do barrel rolls

4-how to choose the right amount of engine power for the plane

Thanks in advance to whoever helps me with those

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    443 BigBeast

    @RamboJutter oh okay u mean using hinges to move wings i get it :D
    Sadly i dont use mods yet, once am done with my exams though i will sit down and learn all about them.
    once again man u helped me so much :D

    4.5 years ago
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    @BigBeast elevator, the bit that goes uppy and downy, attache to what the Americans call the horizontal stabiliser. Use xml to edit your first part to drag = false then just build with that part (I use a load of sub parts that are saved with no mass or drag)

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    @RamboJutter also how do u disable drag while building?

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    @RamboJutter yes it does help ,thank u very much :D, by elevator u mean secondary stabilizer yes?

    4.5 years ago
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    Where to start...

    The wings in SP are designed to replicate lift in real life, so look at what a real aircraft has and replicate it:

    1) So if you want more manoeverability keep center of mass close to centre of lift, dont over size the elevator (leads to stalling of the control surface and jaggered pitch), reduce throw of elevator via xml edit.
    2) if your plane is too manoeverable increase the tail plane size in relation to the elevator, it calms it down as it changes the point of rotation in the long axis, same applied for roll, move wings further out in relation to the control surface to reduce roll

    3)Careful mass location, the more weight you have outboard of the fuselage the more the plane will continue to roll after your input.

    4)Steering via auto roll/yaw tends to be caused by a drag imbalance, disable drag on all parts while you are building then add it carefully when you are done to balance the plane correctly

    5)The enginer power is dependent on the drag and weight, if the drag is really low you dont need much power unless the thing weighs a ton.

    Hope that helps.

    4.5 years ago