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TANKS FOR GOLD!!!!! + other changes!

7,567 UltimatePlayer123  4.4 years ago

Sry im still never building a tank ._.

Anyway, I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever updooted, spotlighted, or commented all my builds!! Thank you very much!!
Also a big thank you to my 23 followers!!
Also congrats to EasternPatrick, the last updooter to get me up to 5001 points!

Okay, now that we are done with the cliches, i have some changes that i want to make to my presence on simpleplanes, some big, some small.

Name changes: I was considering making a name change as you are now allowed to do so. I've complained in the pas about my mistake, I used a filler nickname (putting something random until you find a good username) before I knew you weren't allowed to make a name change. Now you are allowed to change your name, and at first I was eager to change my name but thought my random filler name had become a big part of who I am. Also it helps avoid confusion in identifying people. I got kinda stuck on deciding what to do so I need your advice. Even if you dont know who I am and are just scrolling through the forums, I urge you to please put your opinion on name changing down in the comments. I already have a new name in mind but I can't tell you what it is cuz surprises, but I CAN tell you it will definitely be a peanuts reference cuz peanuts is awesome:). This is a big decision for me so i would really appreciate your advice.

gravatar: At least for now, my gravatar will remain the same to avoid confuzzion.

Forum posts/tags: I will probably do at least one forum teaser post for each major build. I'll also be implementing the "T for tag" system many players are now using. If you don't know what this is, it means that if you put a 'T' in the comments of the teaser post or any post of mine mentioning the build, you will be tagged once the build is released. That means if you want to see my builds and want teasers or tags or whatever, make sure to keep up with the forums as that is where everything will be posted.

Builds: As a member of the gold community I decided to change up my building style a little. Instead of mainly posting vehicles, I will also start posting more scale, blueprint, replica planes as well as cars. My goal here is to combine the practicality and performance of my previous builds with the realism of newer builds. This also means my posts will be more spread out, and I may only make 1 or 2 posts every couple months (vague lol). Again just go to my teaser posts to keep track of these.

Opal: Opal (originally named CORE) is a small car company that I made to produce fictional cars. It originally was founded to produce economy friendly, simple cars very often, but later transitioned to making utility based vehicles with amazing performance, like the Opal Ascent (still my favorite build I have made). I know I haven't posted an Opal in a while, but i have an idea for one. It's kind of low on my priority list but it'll come out eventually.

Well, this turned out longer and more serious than I expected. I would love some feedback on the name change thing, but otherwise I don't think there's anything I missed.

Enjoy simpleplanesing!

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    @Eiro Thx for the advice!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Also i changed my name from plane66373637 to make my name a shorter name

    4.4 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    When i turned 3.5K (around that point) i stopped building cars and focused on innovating
    I still build cars just less cars more planes

    4.4 years ago