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What should I do?

4,165 chemmey  4.5 years ago

This forum is made because of I don't know if I should continue. Building stuffs.

Most of the aircrafts I've made which already had been done, tested and tweaked to be somewhat realistic (not 100%). But most of them are propellor-driven.

So here's the question:

Is propellor-driven aircraft becoming a bit unpopular?

Why I'm asking this?

What I've seen was that most fighter jets get more attention than propellor-driven aircrafts. For example my PF-3. I made that plane to fly realistically and spending 2 weeks just searching and tearing down other builds. But only few people interested. So does this mean propellor-driven aircraft becoming more unpopular except replicas.

And should I change my build to becoming modern?

No offend or anything. Sorry for being annoying. But I just want to know. What should I build to make you guys enjoy?

Sorry once again
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    443 BigBeast
    +1 4.5 years ago
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    @BigBeast Thanks dude. Be sure to run the Green one, the blue one had too many parts.

    4.5 years ago
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    @PoyuToyu I only see a handful of posts on your upload list. You've got potential, hang in there.

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    @PoyuToyu bullshit man, loving something thats not trendy is cool, and the thing about your pride dont matter is pure bullshit man, so cheer the hell up man u got something special

    4.5 years ago
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    4,165 chemmey

    @BigBeast I have 32 bombers, 45 fighters and 15 flying boat. All done but not tested. How I achieve this? I've spent months and years just by studying for example SodiumChloride's Politarkov plane and then Hedero's and the list go on. It took me couple of weeks to master the basic. Yes. I do it for the sake what I'm proud of. However, what I'm proud of is not relevant anymore. As jets increase in number. However thanx both of you spending you time on this dilemma. I'm sorry if I wasted you time. @@BigBeast @F104Deathtrap

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    Long story cut short
    Who gives a crap what people think man, if u like ur build and worked hard for it that's enough. So if u want to progress learn what u dont know and become a better builder for the sake of it not for fame

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    @F104Deathtrap ur curtiss 4n jd is an absolute friggin beauty man i absolutely love it

    4.5 years ago
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    443 BigBeast

    my favorite planes are vinatage propeller planes, however they are harder to master and way slower to drive and thats why they r unpolpular.

    about the downloads and stuff:
    it's way harder now to get a famous plane due to all players here being old time professionals.
    Most of the stuff that hits hottest is either something really gud made by a made builder or something that looks really cool but drives like meh...
    seriously i once got bypassed on upvotes by a fuselage block !

    4.5 years ago
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    Seriously though, all this scheming on how to get upvotes is pointless. You get attention for building good stuff. You build good stuff by learning how to build good stuff. You learn how by downloading good stuff other people have made, tearing it apart and studying it.

    It doesn't matter what you build, if it's good people will like it. Except anime. Anime stuff doesn't get upvotes.

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    You should build a PZL M15 "BELPHEGOR" jet powered biplane.

    4.5 years ago