So I decided to do a "grape" 3 tone colour scheme on the wasp with some flashy USAF style additions, what do you think? After my last build flopped im wondering if this can do any better =) Oh and I added some brand new custom Phoenix missiles as well.
posted here
@BogdanX thanks, I like spartan decor as well but I enjoy forming camo patterns. This was an experiment really, my last plain looking scheme flopped, so thought would try something flashy by comparison.
@BroAeronautics @BlackhattAircraft Thanks guys, its a variant of my Wasp build but dont worry, its not a recolour by any means, loads of new bits and a LOT more work.
@F104Deathtrap Blasphemy? its an export variant of my Wasp =)
@toxicgamer88 Thanks =) I do like to play with liveries and camo etc. Sometimes it drives me nuts though...
You are a livery master
What blasphemy is this?!
Awesome! Looks like lightning with a delta
Looks nice!