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43.5k xSUPERTTx  4.5 years ago

Once I think: hm... may be I can make just supercar, not 9999999hp hypercar, just nice supercar. And so its appeared FT CR1. It was pretty nice car for their time, and it have 7 modifications... Then I see some things that I can make to make CR1 better, I change design and etc and CR2 appeared, it have not so many modifications, only 4, the best is CR2-T which have really tons of features... but the time never stops, I allways try something new, so I started creating CR3 based on structure of CR2, but in one moment I understan that its real shit, so I take pencil and make some scetches, and than start making fully new CR3, I want make it less than 750parts, but something going wrong so it over 950 parts, because I try make interior more beautifull and etc. One great change was a conception - CR1 was really lightweight, but CR2 nore, CR2 was pretty fat, so I make CR3 lightweight, on picture you can see CR3-S, and it have over 420hp and weights 1100kg.
The base lineup of CR:
CR3 just standart
CR3-S more powerfull
CR3-L lightweight
CR3-SL powerfull and lightweight

So CR3 comes then I make CR3 (now only CR3-S was ready)
