@quangdinh iakwiwiejdhue9e9w82829w99w8wjsjeuwiwosojsjeiw9202osjshie92929292929292929292929299292owksjsis9woues9e939292929292ojeText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerburnTimerburnTimerburnTimerselfDestructTimerText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourSlide clips to delete themSlide clips to delete themPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show hereselfDestructTimerburnTimerburnTimerburnTimerselfDestructTimerText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show here play plane crazy with me pls
@TheEvilOneGOD Also my username is the same as my SP username
I have an SU 34 there, but ive been trying to fix the tail for 6 days since the motorlocking technique is hard
@aimuahanhk and no “nose landing gear”
@Ninjacodersc2010 yep
@MARKY3090 there is no “nose” block in plane crazy
I play Plane Crazy but its different than simpleplanes its actually annoying there when your in mobile cuz its has alot of bug :)
@quangdinh hmm u dint put it
@Weirdedude124 this post is just a joke tho
@quangdinh and i quit roblox also cus my wifi ip or something
@quangdinh not a copy
@Weirddude124 they r pretty similar tho
@Weirdedude124 simpleplanes was released in 2014 bruh
so simpleplanes is a ripoff
also plane crazy was made 2014 and simple planes was not close
@MARKY3090 bcus your noob lol
i couldnt even place the nose landing gear on the plane nose in plane crazy cuz of what?
@quangdinh simple plane dont have jetpack
@quangdinh plane crazy is not even close to simple planes idiot
@quangdinh iakwiwiejdhue9e9w82829w99w8wjsjeuwiwosojsjeiw9202osjshie92929292929292929292929299292owksjsis9woues9e939292929292ojeText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerselfDestructTimerburnTimerburnTimerburnTimerselfDestructTimerText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourSlide clips to delete themSlide clips to delete themPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show hereselfDestructTimerburnTimerburnTimerburnTimerselfDestructTimerText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show here play plane crazy with me pls
@Snowdog The B-17 is a heavy bomber and my game is a small adventure game. Not a combat game. Maybe I will add it in my future game.
I know @Snowdog
@XP roblox is better than minecraft
The B-17 model is not big its the one with the fat man nuke can u make the B-17 456 robux. Plz
@quangdinh thx