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New bomber

1,896 Y  4.6 years ago

Yeah. I’m going to make something. Yay. Nothing is concrete yet (aside from the ventral turret which I started out with lol). I will build it bit by bit everyday so I don’t peter out and say “nah, I’m bored” and abandon the project. As my friend would say, “What has this world come to when The name of I is motivated?!” Anyways, I hope to have a fully interiored plane by the end of this project. The name for the bomber will be the…
Speroace B-20
And it will be a early to later ‘30s bomber I’m thinking possibly based off of the HE-111 and B-25 Mitchell (lol I just watched Battle of Britain and a documentary on the Doolittle raid and now I’m inspired)
And I’m thinking maybe 4 engines
High wing or low wing? I’m still debating.
Amount of machine guns? A proper American amount. Twin, triple or even quad MG emplacements.
Please leave suggestions down below (I.E how many engines it should have and range n’ stuffs)
I am now a nocturnal monkey that knows how to use electronics dont question.

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    1,896 Y

    Thanks! Yeah, I’m mainly here to have fun, upvotes are a nice bonus :) @F104Deathtrap

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    @Noobybits123567 Naw, you good. Just something to keep in mind. Getting upvotes around here is all about pleasing the eye. The highest rated builds aren't the best, they're just the ones with the best pictures. Good luck with your bomber

    4.6 years ago
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    1,896 Y

    I’m sorry I haven’t even built the thing yet shall I mark it as an announcement instead? @F104Deathtrap

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    If you want people to give a crap, have something exciting in your post.

    4.6 years ago
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    1,896 Y

    lol I'm still a minor :) @BuiltBionixInd10

    4.6 years ago
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    Ok boomer

    4.6 years ago
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    1,352 Sm1leyFaCe


    4.6 years ago
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    1,896 Y

    This project is going to take a W H I LE especially things like the cockpit and bombysights.

    4.6 years ago