is it possible to view unlisted builds without the creator linking/tagging the build?
i've recently uploaded like 3 unlisteds and they got me thinking, so i wrote this.
is it possible to view unlisted builds without the creator linking/tagging the build?
i've recently uploaded like 3 unlisteds and they got me thinking, so i wrote this.
for those wondering, the unlisted builds are:
-a collection of cursed objects (its for a thing im doing in the future)
-two more cursed objects, both of the two objects are similar to each other (also for that thing mentioned above)
-a backup of my jesko replica (give me some time to make it, ok, i'm trying to make this build the best it can be)
Unlisted builds can potentially show up when searching using the search bar
Yes, i know. I've had some experience with the website and it's users.
Keep in mind, anyone that has the URL of your build can share it with anyone else, or even download, modify and upload a successor
Good. i need privacy lmao
No. No one can get to it without a link.