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Wings of the 21st Century

15.4k Dastin  4.6 years ago

A plane is more than what it will do; how it was born is just as monumental.

As I edge closer to my next release, I felt the Inspiration to document the evolution of the aircraft in a somewhat succinct forum post.

The project started with some concept art found online, shown below.

The creative process takes a few step and varies for everyone. For me its about 40% science and 60% art. The initial prototype was different but still kept elements on the concept

Following this, was a lot of development over a number of months. Different elements were refined, other removed. The canards, fun as they were, fell off eventually.

Through further iteration and experimentation the near final form has been developed. Although only at 90% completion, all elements on this version will be present in the final version.

This build is scheduled for sometime in the next week or two. Please look forward to it. If you wish to be tagged in the post then please comment a TAG in this post. I hope you all look forward to it.