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Destroyer droid V2

8,211 consumeroftoasters  4.5 years ago

I’ve been working on this for about a month now. I doubt it will ever be able to work properly but i’m giving it a try.

This is a remake of my old droideka that was a good start but looked awful and didn’t function well. It’s design looks far better and it rolls better than the old version but it still can’t turn and the shield projector doesn’t seem to work with it either so it doesn’t have it yet.
To make it roll i first tried using a hollow fuselage to make invisible ‘wheels’ on its sides that it would balance on however it appears fuselages are square shaped so i then had to use small sections of fuselage but i may need a version of that with more segments to make it work smoothly.
shield projector



If you have a better way of making it roll or you want to try it out here’s an unfinished version

Also, i may be uploading the U-Wing today.

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    @BeryllCorp Thanks ill try that when the update comes out

    4.5 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    Hey man, you must try using glass with negative transparency and create a wheel-like structures similar to the wheels in this old design. Also set collision response to None and add tons of health so they dont explode.

    4.5 years ago
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    @WereOutOfNamesArentWe 8 to change mode, throttle for walk/roll

    4.5 years ago
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    4.5 years ago