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Custom cockpits or Rounded cockpits?

21.0k LieutenantSOT  4.4 years ago

I feel like the base game needs to have custom cockpits or rounded ones at the very least.
Your thoughts?

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    14.3k Griffon1

    @geek1love yeah mostly because they are actually able to be seen from the outside

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    3,030 geek1love

    I feel like I first saw it used on a replica plane (early supersonic US fighter jet) that isn't in my collection any more. Glass cockpits are coming with the new beta stuff right? I haven't made a realistic cockpit yet with knobs and lights and all that, but glass cockpits will make that way more appealing.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    @geek1love I don't recall where I first saw the shiny fuselage thing either, but it has become an essential part of my builds now. The addition of glass fuselages is going to change everything now though.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    3,030 geek1love

    I've built around the stock cockpits quite a bit -- 'Hayabusa', 'Valkyrie' & 'Tiny' are examples of builds I've done this with -- but this limits things quite a bit (same with using stock landing gear). Using scaling (Overload mod) can make them any size which makes things much easier to fit the cockpit to the plane instead of always being limited by the size and shape of the stock cockpits. I regularly do this with landing gear since it's very limiting if you have to build your plane around the base landing gear.

    I forget where I saw this being done first, but many builds use custom cockpits made from fuselage parts with a shiny finish. Then you can place a small version of one of the triangular cockpits somewhere in your custom cockpit. Sometimes this makes for a weird view (clipping through parts, etc.) but if placed in the right spot all you'll see is the body of the plane. My build named 'Green Dragon' has a custom cockpit like this where the stock cockpit is embedded in the body of the head of the dragon. You'll need the Overload mod to customize the scaling of the parts, then you can make them any size you want.

    4.4 years ago